Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Month Away

It's countdown time. One month away from embarking on a challenge that is being advertised as the "Iditarod of Harley-Davidson's" in a one time event where only 1,000 riders from around the globe have entered to be counted as a Warrior. You can read more details in the website

I, Jimmy (aka Lone Wolf), of unsound mind and aging body, have elected to attempt this challenge on the basis of a few observations:

#1 Observation- The M-W definition of Challenge reads: "to confront or defy boldly", "to call out to duel or combat", "to invite into competition", "to demand as due or deserved", "to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties", "to order to halt and prove identity".

It's understood, Life is one great challenge in itself but there are times (example A) when a human is put into individual challenging situations with or without warning and then there are those (example B) who search for challenges to test themselves time and time again. Success or failure is not the desired objective, but merely the essence of the above definitions. Example A types could be those who proudly serve in the Military and without warning, are called to a foreign country to defend freedom and thus are put into extraordinary challenging situations. These challengers are also heroes and will be the essence of my individual challenge.

Example B types are those who shoot themselves from a cannon at a carnival in front of a crowd of hundreds "to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties". Although success (hitting the soft target) is the desired objective, the human cannonball will continue to test themselves if failure occurs and the healing process is achieved without disorders. Other example B type challengers are boxers who meet opponents in the ring and "demand as due or deserved" their title of winner. Another is the cad who insults a gentleman or his lady, and a dual of guns is required at 50 paces. This "call out to dual or combat" challenge often leads to one of them saying "Oh crap" in the end. Another group of challengers are the car dealerships who post the names of their salemen like a golf leader board, "to invite into competition". And finally there are the 50 year olds who read about a 7000 mile motorcycle ride, two week time limit challenge "to order to halt and prove identity", which basically means Hey wait a minute, I'm still young and can do this!

#2 Observation - Everything about this event and my entry fee is dedicated to the numerous charities and the theme of Warriors going into battle that has attracted me to it. The proceeds will go towards Paralyzed Veterans of America, Warrior Weekend, Disabled Veterans, American Gold Star Mothers Inc., Vietnam Veterans of America, American Indian College Fund, The Red Cloud Humanitarian Fund and The National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

#3 Observation - I like riding my motorcycle and what better way to see this great country (Canada included) than to ride hard and free on the open roads. Even though the challenge has a $500,000 prize to the first one who arrives legally to the destination, it's not about the money for me. It's about testing my will to endure both physically and mentally. As riding long distances often does, your mind allows time to reflect. I intend to reflect along my journey how difficult it must have been for those who served or are still serving in the military including my family and relatives. I dedicate this journey to all of them. Without them, my freedom to ride across one border to another would not be possible.

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