Tuesday, June 3, 2014

4th Year Anniversary - June 20 2014

4 years into my new lease on life, "what a strange trip it's been" but nothing short of Fantabulous!

I'm approaching another milestone where so much of my new adventure has made me reflect on what started out to be a life changing and soul searching event, to turn around and become a life changing soul finding direction all for the good. So much has transpired leading up to, during and after my own personal Hokahey Challenge.

The birth of my Grandson Mr. James Brody Goldman, aka "The Bro", who recently turned 1 year old. I sincerely believe he had a role to play by the great spirits who decided that fateful Sunday afternoon as I lay on the highway like a rag doll next to my shattered bike, whether I should remain in this life and cherish his presence or carry on to take my soul elsewhere. The spirits chose life and for that I remain grateful.