Friday, August 22, 2014

Hoka Hey to the 2014 Challengers

My shout out to those Warriors who completed this years challenge, those who left but did not make it to the finish line and those who sacrificed their all and then some. Anyone who crosses that starting line to have what it takes to gear up and set your soul on a journey like that is a riding Brother or Sister in my book for life.

Nothing else matters. How a rider transforms themselves to undertake such a challenge to mentally prepare and execute is hard to explain unless you were signed on and had what it took to try. In that world, nothing else mattered and you were focused. This is true for our Military personnel we must never forget.

I've read some really fascinating blogs on those who captured memories and pics who were able to share their experiences with us. I will always have that in the back of my mind and can feel that light flickering deep in my own soul to finish what I didn't start. If the stars and moons ever align, I will hear the lone wolf warrior howl again.