Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Hero Series

Sitting in Paris waiting on my connection to Atlanta. The excitement is building. Like a NASA Mission, all systems are Go. Just a few days left for pre-flight checks and last minute TTD's. The great adventure is near.

Another way I can interpret this is a soldier who is preparing to ship out for his assignment, or challenge, to a destination unknown. Whether it was the sailor who boards his ship or the airman who walks the tarmac to his aircraft. Destination known, but unknown at the destination! I think about what some of my relatives or ancestors must have thought or any servicemen or women today, as they are sent off to battle or to a foreign assignment. How many of them stopped over in Paris going one way or the other? They were assigned a mission and they were determined, proud and brave. They thought about their families and what lies ahead. I am proud to hold the middle name of my uncle, Millard Marrs, whose plane was shot down over Germany in WWII 1945. I'm fortunate enough to have access to many documents about him, his family, his letters to his wife and even his son's trip to Germany years later, to find the location of the plane crash while talking to locals who remember the day clearly. Uncle Millard, you are a hero. I honor you with this ride and your spirit is with me. I have many more to recognize in the coming weeks as my inspiration, each who have taken amazing journeys themselves. All gave some, some gave all.