Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wide Open Spaces

The days are closing in on the calendar. It's like a grandfather clock ticking loud in a quiet room until it suddenly stops and you can hear a pin drop waiting for the chime. Then I will hear the sound of my heart pumping blood, feeling the vibration of my engine through my hands on the throttle and seeing myself lined up behind hundreds of bikes. The crowd of spectators, gawkers, naysayers and children holding their hands over their ears to cover the noise of roaring Harley pipes. There is no other sound like it. My Destination.......Wide Open Spaces.

I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to ride and visit many places in this great country, but where I go now, I will awaken to something greater than ever before in my life. I am patient. I am steady. I am a Warrior. I envision some of the most harsh and difficult terrain and weather, but also some of the most breathtaking. Each day will have it's own beauty. I will not look ahead in time, but cherish what is presented to me, as is, in awe.
I love camping outdoors and doing so on a motorcycle is for me, as good as it gets. It's as rugged as a pioneer would have done, only you make better time moving about. I expect to share some great photos here and my observations as often as I can along the way during rest periods.

As my oldest brother says, I was destined to make this ride and take this challenge. He is "Sees Coyote", and we are decendents of Lompoc Chumash Native Americans, also known as "Dolphin People". These are my ancestors from my mothers side, who were proud and brave and will be discussed along the way of my travels as well.
Wide open spaces, great places, many faces and tales to come.