Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dedication and Inspiration

This one is for my Uncle Don (1937-1987). A hero with inspiration and whose spirit is with me. Donald Marrs was a man who sought his challenge as well. A military veteran and ultimate warrior who also fought cancer to the end. He was a dedicated postman who had great and humorous stories he use to tell me. It was a young Canadian named Terry Fox (pictured below) however, that attempted a journey on one leg to raise awareness and funds for Cancer that had changed my uncles life forever. Terry had succumbed to his health early in his quest and left a lasting legacy for many. My Uncle Don (other two pictures), who heard about this mans journey, took it upon himself to carry on Terry's name in a 97 day, 2200 mile trek to also raise awareness and funds across the U.S. and achieve what many could not have fathomed while fighting Cancer himself. Both heroes and challengers in their own right.

Induction Time

This morning I stood in line for 2 hours to register for the challenge at the hotel ballroom. It was as if I was part of the induction process for new recruits. I was waiting to see if anyone coming out were shaved by razors but considering the size and stature of some, it would not have been possible. There were all shapes and sizes of bikers each with either an envelope or documents in hand (insurance card, photo ID, registration, etc.). I passed each question and obtained my rank #119 in the group. Then off with documents to the next stage, the physical. Outdoors I brought my steel horse to the vet who looked her over, checked  her teeth (VIN number), odometer reading, etc. and video taped me in front of my steed for legal purposes I suppose. Then it was over in a matter of minutes. I am now officially part of the Hoka Hey Challenge. It's completely up to me now if I achieve 1 mile or all 7,000 miles, dues paid and all. I am a challenger and challenged I will be. I am a long way from Alaska I thought to myself. Am I up to this? Am I really truly ready for such endurance and stamina? Am I capable of meeting my objective and target? Is this what many military service people asked themselves in induction? I am ready, I am a warrior.

The Keys are a wonderful place and I truly recommend this to be one of the top twenty destinations on any ones list (bucket or otherwise) to visit. Any motorcycle enthusiast or car driver for that matter, will appreciate what Florida has to offer driving to the Southernmost point. Do it at least once in your life time. Not only are the people friendly and strange to some, but the food is wonderful. Fresh seafood abounds. My last meals are consisting of raw oysters, the staple of any warriors appetite as the next several weeks will not be as less appetizing (MRE's)or appealing to the palette.