Monday, August 20, 2012

2nd Year Anniversary - June 20 2012

Time once again passed recently and I briefly reflect on the minor setback in my life doing something I enjoy. Riding my 2008 Road King Classic Harley Davidson. I still only have about about 16k miles on it, but that is due to my work load overseas. Me and that bike share a common bond now. It's like a good pet, a dog or horse, that understands its master and quietly obeys my every command when on the road together. We trust and look out for each other. I know had it not been such a well built, hunk of a steel sturdy machine, let's say a Vespa instead, my injuries would have been a lot worse. I can't wait to make another long journey across this great country and feel that freedom in the wind. Since that accident, I have the desire more than ever to complete a task I had put my mind to. Setting off to explore and finding new adventures. I know in time this will come again.

So it's with great pride I quote the band Rare Earth with their song, "I just want to celebrate":
I just want to celebrate another day of livin' ......
I just want to celebrate another day of life!!!!! 

I recently read some old blogs from the 2010 Hokahey Challenge after many riders had taken the long journey. Funny, I find some comments in their journal about how traffic was stopped for hours due to a bike accident and someone having to be airlifted. Sorry about that fellow Hoka Hey brothers. Believe me, I had no control over it.

My hat's off to all motorcycle enthusiasts who ride for recreation, work or it's just part of their daily life. We have to always watch out for the other person (including rear view mirrors) and sometimes put up with the spills, thrills and weather. But if there was ever one machine that man invented, the motorcycle came to pass as the commoners true feeling of freedom. Pilots may say otherwise for aviation, engineers may say otherwise for railroads and Ricky Bobby may say "if you ain't first, you're last", but give me a two-wheeled motorcycle over them any day.

So I often think, I have been to so many places in my life before and after my near-death experience. We are put here to enjoy life to the fullest each and every day and not get hung up on the stresses of others or work. When that does happen, jump on your machine and ride like the wind laughing at the Devil.  

 I found this trike in Basra, Iraq. Used often to haul supplies, people, animals, explosives, etc.

Standing by Cades Cove falls near the Great Smokey Mountains.
Me and my bro's at work in Iraq. Uh, I'm the handsome one, 4th from right. Larry's vest shrunk in the heat.

Desert sunset on Mars

Early grunge rockers (my cousin Don and I) on the San Francisco scene - Circa 1980

My trusted machine who has been to hell and back with me. Parked on my land in the scenic mountains of Mendota, Virginia.