Saturday, May 29, 2010

Leaders of the Pack

T minus - 17 Days

Not long now, and I will fly back home to essentially overnight and depart next day from Mobile, Al. enroute to Key West. I will basically get off the plane and load the steel horse in the back of my pick up truck as Karen, Haley and Heather (my Wolf Pack) will travel with me to see me off at the starting point. No time to rest. I have all my gear layed out in the garage. As packs go, they travel, hunt and remain together whenever they move into new territory.

Did you know?

Individual wolves in a pack play different roles in relation to the others in the group. The parent wolves are the leader of the pack - the Alpha male and Alpha female. Alpha is the first letter in the greek alphabet. The Alpha male and female are the oldest members of the pack and the ones with the most experience in hunting, defending territory, and other important activities. Some of the younger wolves of the pack may leave to find vacant territory or a mate.

Sound familiar?
My 2 daughters left the pack last year and found vacant territory (about a mile away) in an apartment. Hopefully they will postpone looking for a mate until college is finished. As for the Alpha male, he currently travels overseas each month (away from the den) while the Alpha female is either hunting (shopping) or defending the territory (farming).

We also have two other family members who make up our wolf pack. Dixie (pictured above in snow) and Sam. No photo of Sam (weiner wolf and acting Alpha male when I am away) as he hibernates mostly.
I look forward to travelling with the pack as one towards the starting point. They will give me strength and support to ensure a safe journey. We will also celebrate Karens birthday and Fathers day on the morning the Challenge starts (June 20th) where the sound of nearly 1000 steel horses will thunder and ride out with Warriors shouting the Hoka Hey cry. Having Fathers day fall on the same day that my epic journey begins, was not a coinicidence I believe, and this will be one of many "signs" to come that I will see along the way that will be for a reason. On that day, I will also honor my own father, Robert Byron Marrs, who is not only my hero but a true Warrior that also served his country well. May 31st is Memorial day. Let us not forget those who sacrificed for our freedom. For me, everyday is Memorial day and I show it with the flag on my front porch.