Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let's Ride!

A really big thanks to my friends, family and co-workers. It's your support, guidance and words of wisdom that have made this personal challenge of mine possible and given me the strength to endure. I will do my best and I will do it as safely as possible. I anticipate pain and few luxuries along the way, but then again, we know people in the Armed Forces (disabled or otherwise) who have far more challenges each day. Let us not forget and support them any chance you can. 

I anticipate shorter and fewer blog notes until I meet the support team at the checkpoints, but will keep you posted on my whereabouts, condition and observations with pictures.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I.....I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference".  - Robert Frost

Happy Fathers Day

I am down to the last few hours before "kick stand up". I'm took this last day to soak up the beautiful Florida sunshine and relaxing as best as possible. Trust me when I say it's brutally hot down here. Water is the key to survival driving out of the South on a motorcycle. By tomorrow, Sunday at 4am, challengers will line up in front of the hotel, police will shutdown the triangle of street intersection nearby and all will depart by 6am. Just before, will the first set of route directions be given to the riders and support teams. The sound of motorcycles cranking up each hour around the hotel for one reason or another, reminds me the time is near and everyone is getting anxious to move out. A meeting was held tonight for all to discuss and ask any last minute questions about this event. For me, just give me the route and I am fixed on my mission to the next check point. Where we go, how far we make it and what we decide each day is an individuals choice to show determination, integrity and perseverance to see this to the end. It will not be easy and many will not make to Alaska.

I wanted to also take this time to recognize two more events tomorrow, Sunday. One is my wife's birthday, Karen, who will be ?? years old. Happy Birthday ol girl! The other is Fathers day. I want to thank my true hero, my dad, Robert Byron Marrs Sr. who not only served his country with pride in the Air Force for many years, but also served his family proud as well. He sacrificed many months at a time away in other countries while my mother raised us on base housing in most cases. I think that was part of my yearning for traveling so much as we moved many places and often, when I was younger. My dad is still residing in Hernando, Miss. and I cherish every moment of time I can with him. Happy Fathers Day.