Monday, May 24, 2010

Shout out to 2 fellow Challengers - Paul / Harry

Back on Feb. 20th of this year, I had the opportunity to be invited by the Hoka Hey organizers to meet up with a few other challengers and to speak live on the Open Road Radio Show at the Cleveland International Bike Show. It was a great time not only at the bike show and visiting downtown Cleveland in brutal 15 degree weather, but to spend about 15 minutes talking with Gina Woods (radio host) and others on live radio about why we are participating and how important the charities are. This is where I met up with two other challengers, Paul & Harry, who also came to the show and talked with us. It was great to meet them and talk about our interest in the challenge and I have nothing but respect for them and their courage. I felt a bond with these guys as we agreed we were involved with something big about to have an impact in our lives. Looking forward to meeting them at the start in Key West and at the finish line in Alaska.
Check out the Chicago based radio show OPENROADRADIO.COM and read/hear informative cycle news.