Thursday, December 30, 2010

I have recovered from my accident Physically, but not Mentally!!!

Ok, it's been 6 long months since my June 20 accident that literally knocked me down on the very first day of my long distance ride across America that started in Key West, Fla. It took 3 months to recover from injuries, reflect on circumstances and heal with a loving family, before I could return to work. A lot has happened in that time both on a personal and professional level. By all rights, I should not be writing today or even breathing, but the great spirit and ancestors debated during my 30 minutes of unconciousness and have decided other plans which enabled me to basically "Die Another Day". In short, my work is not done here yet. So................

Isn't flight wonderful! I can still recall being loaded in a helicopter on a stretcher rising in the air some 5,000 ft. enroute to a hospital wondering what happened, only to find out later that a vehicle (without insurance) hit me from behind and threw me into the air some 20 ft. before hitting pavement. Now, fast forward ahead 184 days and I'm free falling in the air again, only this time from 13,000 ft above to the ground. Except this time I will not land on my head, face and shoulder but instead on two feet with a parachute attached. And it's not in Florida but a few miles down the road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, my new home for work in the next 2-3 years.

So yes, I have recovered physically to some extent, minus a few memory/hearing/vision problems but that seems normal in my age group, but some have told me by jumping out of perfectly good airplanes that I have not recovered mentally. Let's just say I am taking advantage of my second chance to enjoy what is all around us each and every day.   
Thanks to Freddy, Tandem Instructor from Scotland. He is good people.

Recovered from accident Physically, but not Mentally!!!